Rev. Summer Albayati (zoom)
Rev. Summer Albayati, our Pacific Western Region of the UUA staff person will again join us. As we enter a new year she brings her insight, compassion and encouragement to our beloved community.
Rev. Summer Albayati, our Pacific Western Region of the UUA staff person will again join us. As we enter a new year she brings her insight, compassion and encouragement to our beloved community.
We encounter it on the news. We may discuss all of the suffering we witness at coffee hour. We may feel hopeless and helpless, but what if there was something we could do to help our world? At such a difficult time in world history, how can the concept of “covenant” help us to find a new way towards transformation – within and without?
Experts tell us that we are in liminal times and experiencing collective trauma that yearns to be healed. What can we learn from the Sufi Islamic embodiment rituals practiced to bring more healing into our own lives and communities? How can embracing embodied healing help heal and lead us to collective salvation, freedom, peace and love? Please join us as we welcome the Rev. Summer Albayati, our primary contact from the Pacific Western Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association and let us explore the answers in a spirit of love.
Our pulpit guest is our new primary contact with the Pacific Western Region, and a UU Muslim of Iraqi descent. “Some of us live in liminal spaces and navigate them beautifully; for others, it is scary and anxiety producing. Patience and faith can carry us through the betwixt and between.”