Siesta People  (zoom)

Are we really listening to the rhythms that work for us? Do we know the cues calling us to slow down? Speed up? Dig deeper? This Sunday, we’ll tune in to the real news we need.

Achieving the Impossible: Hope and Community in Politics Today

Anxiety and outrage define the present political experience for many of us, and it can feel like we’ve lost the ability to engage in efforts for social change without feeling disenfranchised or overwhelmed. How can we ground ourselves and revive our energy for collective action in these times? Come hear organizing success stories and learn about opportunities to participate in renewed efforts for greater democracy in your community and beyond. 

Chaplain in the Wild (zoom)

The gifts of listening are often talked about in big ways, work done by professionals, but what does it mean to make it part of your everyday life? Let’s explore how presence can be an accessible tool for connection and why chaplaincy is needed outside of hospitals.